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Writer's pictureJanet Simmons

Opportunities for Growth: A Spiritual Perspective on Conflict

As a QHHT practitioner, I understand the importance of avoiding divisive topics, particularly politics. However, having majored in Political Science at university, I maintain a deep interest in political affairs, and this has often pulled me into debates, particularly when it comes to current events.

We live in a world where many people hold strong and passionate opinions about political and social issues, especially during times of war. And yet, when viewed through a spiritual lens, these situations can reveal profound truths about the nature of existence and the purpose of life. Take the case of Israel as an example. It is not merely a country embroiled in conflict; it is a land filled with countless souls, each of whom has incarnated to have experiences that promote growth, understanding, and spiritual evolution.

War, universally regarded as tragic and destructive, does indeed bring suffering. But if we step back and view the human experience from a spiritual perspective, there is an undeniable possibility for immense learning and growth in even the harshest environments. For those in a war zone, opportunities for the expansion of the soul arise through lessons in love, forgiveness, resilience, compassion, and the ability to stay grounded in the present moment amid chaos. These are teachings that transcend the physical and political realm, allowing individuals to evolve in profound ways.

One of the most significant shifts in perspective that we can experience is to realise that the enemy is not truly an enemy but rather an aspect of ourselves. This does not mean we condone or accept harmful behaviour, but when we can see that even those we perceive as enemies are also divine beings on their own journey, it changes everything. They are mirrors, reflecting parts of ourselves that we may struggle to accept or understand. When we recognise that we are all part of the same whole—different expressions of the same divine source—this understanding helps lift us to a higher perspective.

By acknowledging the divinity within our so-called enemies, we begin to release the hold that anger, fear, and hatred have over us. This does not mean we justify or tolerate destructive actions, but we approach the situation with a deeper awareness. Instead of perpetuating the cycle of division and conflict, we can start to cultivate empathy, compassion, and the desire for healing, both within ourselves and in the world. The more of us who are able to make this shift, the more we contribute to a global transformation that can change the world in profound and dramatic ways.

This perspective doesn’t suggest that the rest of the world should stand by passively while others suffer. Compassion, after all, is a spiritual principle too. It is vital to offer assistance, to provide safety and healing where we can. However, the most important contribution any of us can make is to realise and affirm our shared humanity. We are all connected; we are all aspects of the same divine source. The ultimate truth is that we are not separate entities fighting against one another, but different expressions of the same oneness, playing out our chosen experiences for the purpose of growth.

The spiritual path teaches us that our true essence is divine, and part of our journey is to remember that each of us is an aspect of God, incarnating on this planet for the purpose of learning, experiencing, and evolving. Every individual, every event, and every challenge is part of this greater process. Whether in times of peace or in the midst of war, the fundamental truth remains: we are all of God, and we are all here to learn, together.

One belief that resonates deeply with me, and which is a central concept in the teachings of Dolores Cannon, is that before we are born, we choose the lessons we want to experience in this lifetime. Some souls may choose to incarnate with severe physical or mental disabilities, recognising that these challenges offer accelerated growth opportunities. Likewise, some may choose to experience the extreme conditions of a war zone, not because suffering is desirable, but because the lessons available in such environments can be profound, if we are open to them. Lessons in courage, empathy, non-judgment, and even surrender to a higher purpose may be intensified in such circumstances.

This view doesn’t trivialise the suffering experienced in war, nor does it dismiss the need for external support and global peace efforts. Rather, it invites us to see the bigger picture of existence, one in which every experience, even the painful ones, offers a pathway for spiritual development. It reminds us that even in the darkest moments, there is light to be found through the expansion of our consciousness and through the recognition of our divine nature.

Ultimately, while politics and world events will always be sources of conflict and division for many, a spiritual perspective offers us the opportunity to transcend these divisions and to remember our interconnectedness. When we lift ourselves to this higher understanding—that we are all one and that even our enemies are reflections of ourselves—we contribute to a profound shift in collective consciousness. As more of us begin to see through this lens, we pave the way for dramatic and lasting change in the world. We are all one, navigating different paths toward the same ultimate goal: to rediscover our true selves, to live in alignment with love, and to remember that we are all, fundamentally, aspects of God.

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